Monday, January 12, 2009

The Dark Corners of a Church

The Dark Corners of a Church

By: Nemo Zaragoza

Doubt was a movie that was a “sleeper” film in my opinion. There were no recognizable interesting parts in this movie. Overall I would say that I did not like this movie at all.

Doubt is a movie made by Director John Patrick Shanley, with the main roles in the movie you will see Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Amy Adams. The movie was made in 2008 and is rated PG-13. This movie is about a real life story that started with a nun named Sister Aloysius Beauvier (played by Meryl Streep) that was told by a nun by the name of Sister James, played by Amy Adams, that she suspected Father Brendan Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) of molesting a child. Immediately Sister Aloysius wanted to rid her church and school of that man, for she remembered about such incidents in her past.

Well it pretty much states it in the paragraph before, but it’s about a nun that is suspicious about the father in there church. She is suspicious because she thinks that he molested a child. Overall through the whole movie there is just a big talking scene when Sister Aloysius confronts Father Flynn, and they fight verbally about the situation.

Overall I really did not like this movie at all, so I cant really say something stuck with me except the fact that I almost went to sleep, I’m not hating on anyone with that liked it or the actors, because the actors, especially Meryl Streep, did a great job, they just couldn’t keep me engaged.

To me I wouldn’t recommend this movie to anyone under 30 or so because this movie isn’t really (in my opinion) targeted to anyone under that age group, because this topic is serious and of course there are those young people that believe they are “mature” enough to watch it, but I just think they are fooling themselves because this movie will probably pass over there head or they will find it boring. So whoever disagrees, I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree, in other words, I say no, I wouldn’t recommend this movie.

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